Women and the Word

Come Grow With Us

Women and the Word organized the Church’s inaugural Women’s Retreat in 2016.  Thirty-three women enjoyed spending the Memorial Day weekend together at the Retreat and Conference Center at Bon Secours, in Marriottsville, Maryland.  Attendees hailed the event a “great success, “ for the retreat theme, “Take a Risk, Believe and Receive” proved to be one that resonated with everyone.

Let's Get Acquainted

Women and the Word is a small group ministry that serves to create a thriving environment that enhances the women of Olive Branch Community Church and it’s growing community through a monthly bible study. Women and the Word participants come together and learn, fellowship and grow closer to each other and to God by studying His word and committing themselves to His work every month. 


The original purpose of Women and the Word, that the leaders and participants hold dear to this day, is to have a covenant community and a space where women’s experiences, stories and concerns can be shared and discussed through Bible study and biblical teachings. This contemporary Bible study is designed to examine Christian principles and biblical figures as sources for women who seek to understand what God is calling women of faith to do while helping women ascertain what God is calling women of faith to become. 

You Are Invited

All women are invited to join Women and the Word. This engaging and welcoming small group ministry, which started in 2012, has been blessed to see amazing growth within the church and in Olive Branch’s extended community, with constant support from the leaders of the Women’s ministry. Women and the Word looks forward to more years of strengthening relationships with Christ and bringing women together to celebrate one another and their Lord and Saviour. “To God Be the Glory!” 

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